Braces vs Invisalign: Which is For Me?

Braces vs Invisalign: What are the differences in these orthodontic treatments? 

Today, there are many types of advanced braces, which are more discreet, comfortable, and efficient. For example, Dillon American Orthodontic Care provides Alias Lingual braces that are practically invisible, hiding behind your teeth.

Alternatively, Invisalign offers a discreet solution that allows the freedom to eat your favorite foods throughout treatment.

Before treatment, Dr. Dillon will assess your unique smile and design a custom plan. As a Platinum Invisalign provider with over 20 years of experience, he can treat more cases with Invisalign. However, in some cases, braces may be a preferable alternative. 

To find out if you are a candidate for Invisalign or braces, take a free virtual consultation. First, you will submit some photos of your smile. Then, Dr. Dillon will review them and get back to you with potential treatment plan options. 

Thus, you can learn about treatments and find out about affordable financing solutions. It’s our mission to provide you with affordable, high-quality treatment that fits your budget! 

Braces vs Invisalign

When it comes to braces vs. Invisalign, there are pros and cons to consider. However, both treatments have advanced over the years. Today, they can treat people of all ages, from around age seven to teens and adults.


Braces have been around since ancient times, and dentists began bonding them with adhesive in the 70s. While they used to give a “metal mouth” appearance, they are now much sleeker, discreet, more comfortable, and efficient. Overall, braces are a time-tested winner, reliably transforming smiles for all ages.

Braces allow very precise control over tooth movement and remain a top choice. An experienced orthodontist can determine when braces are the best treatment choice. Sometimes, braces will be preferable in cases that require advanced correction or for adults.

Today, you may choose clear ceramic, traditional metal, gold, and lingual braces. So, there is an option for everyone’s tastes. 


  1. Transforms smiles for all ages
  2. Choices in types of braces
  3. Reliable for all kinds of smiles and ages
  4. More discreet, comfortable, and efficient today


  1. Must change your diet to softer foods
  2. Challenging to clean around brackets and wires
  3. More appointments for adjustments/emergencies
  4. Wires can sometimes poke and irritate the mouth


Invisalign has helped over ten million people worldwide today. It all began when two Stanford students devised the concept in 1997. After years of research, marketing, and development, Invisalign became mainstream and continuously more effective. 

Now, Invisalign can treat various problems, like overbites, underbites, and crowded teeth. Also, Invisalign is now useful for people of all ages. Everyone loves how discreet the aligners look, and they tend to be comfortable, custom-created for your unique smile.

Unlike braces, the aligners come out when you eat, drink, and brush your teeth. So, you can enjoy all your favorite foods. However, you must wear aligners for 22 hours a day or more, including at night. Nevertheless, taking them out briefly offers convenience and freedom.

With Invisalign’s SmileView 3-D technology, you can see what your smile will look like before beginning.


  1. Discreet and comfortable thin SmartTrack aligners
  2. Aligners come out to eat, drink, and brush
  3. Now works for people of all ages
  4. Generally fewer overall appointments


  1. Must wear 22 hours and keep track of aligners at all times
  2. Need to be careful to protect aligners from heat, pets, etc.
  3. May not be the best choice for advanced cases

Overall, Invisalign has some advantages and conveniences over braces. However, they do require some discipline since it might be tempting to take them out. To work, one must wear them as much as possible.

If you are wondering about the cost of braces vs Invisalign, please see our recent blog. As you can see, traditional metal braces and Invisalign tend to cost around the same. However, there are many factors to consider.

With a free smile assessment, new patients can learn about all the options, how long treatment may take, and about our affordable payment solutions. As noted, you can also get started from home with our free virtual consultations.

We hope this information about braces vs. Invisalign has been helpful. If you have any questions, feel free to contact us anytime. We love helping everyone in the Landstuhl-Ramstein-Kaiserslautern get a beautiful, healthy smile.