How Long Does Bioclear Last?

If you have been researching veneers, you know that porcelain veneers can last 10 to 15 years. To reach that longevity, you must be diligent about dental care and care for your veneers. Likewise, when you consider how long does Bioclear last, you will find similar results. Bioclear guarantees their dental restoration for ten years from chipping and staining, but that may vary with your dentist. In the short video below, the creator of the Bioclear method explains that Bioclear can last from five to 25 years, depending on various factors.

The Longevity of Bioclear Dental Restorations


What is the Bioclear Matrix?

The Bioclear Matrix is a dental system developed in 2008 by Dr. David Clark. Using the technology of composite resins that have been in use since the 1960s, Dr. Clark streamlined the process of molding the composite quickly and consistently to broaden the scope of its use. In the past, composite resins were painstakingly hand-sculpted to create fillings or fix chipped or broken teeth.

Dr. Clark’s minimally invasive technique is a cost-effective alternative to porcelain veneers and crowns. By incorporating the natural teeth without a lot of drilling or filing, Bioclear restorations can restore the function of damaged teeth and improve the smile’s overall appearance.

The Bioclear Method uses a composite injection molding process with ultra-thin precise shaping molds (The Bioclear Matrix). The thin shapes slide between teeth and between the tooth and the gums.

The composite color can match your tooth color to create a natural and great-looking smile by improving your teeth’ shape, size, and fit. Unlike porcelain veneers, it does not require grinding away a part of your teeth to fit the veneers. When used with a decaying tooth, the Bioclear Method requires little to no drilling.

How Does Bioclear Work?

Bioclear is similar to getting a regular composite filling but with a more refined look and less trauma. The process includes five basic steps:

  1. Blasting uses a fine abrasive to scuff up the teeth, which gives the composite a better surface to bond to.
  2. Matrix Placement is where the doctor places the molds around the teeth. These ultra-thin molds have an anatomical shape that matches your tooth structure, mouth shape, and jawline sizing. They ensure uniformity, creating a pleasant and balanced smile.
  3. Etch refers to the blue etchant that protects adjacent teeth.
  4. Inject is the phase where the warm composite material is injected into the mold, flowing around the existing tooth and filling in spaces, gaps, and anomalies to create a perfectly sculpted new surface.
  5. Remove the forms, and polishing completes the process. The three-step polishing process leaves patients with a glossy, natural-looking tooth.

Rather than hand-shaping each filling, the molds make the process much faster and less traumatic. There is no pushing, pulling, filing, or discomfort. With regular composite fillings, there can be rough edges between teeth that fray floss with regular composite shaping, making it challenging to maintain good oral hygiene.

The composite resin bonds with your natural tooth rather than surface gluing, unlike Veneers. The finished look is more realistic, easier to care for, and can last much longer with proper care.

How Long Does Bioclear Last?

Bioclear is guaranteed against chipping and staining for ten years. Because of the blasting process to prepare teeth, this process forms a better bond with your tooth than a standard composite filling. This process offers more longevity and greater durability. However, you still need to take care of your teeth. With proper care, Bioclear can last up to 25 years or longer.

Exploring the Difference Between Bioclear and Porcelain Veneers

The most significant difference is that once you have porcelain veneers, you will always need them. Securing veneers to your teeth involves shaving a layer of healthy tooth enamel from the front of your teeth. Once the doctor removes that layer of enamel, it is gone forever. The only way to “reverse” the procedure after veneers is to remove the tooth and replace it entirely. While they can look awesome, veneers may need periodic replacement or repair.

Bioclear is a non-invasive process, and it is reversible. The procedure requires no special preparation, no enamel is lost, and the entire process is complete in one office visit. Veneers require several office visits over about a two-week timespan because the restorations are lab-created. You’ll have temporary veneers while you wait.

What Conditions Can Bioclear Veneers Repair?

Bioclear can help correct:

  • Diastema (gap teeth)
  • Broken or chipped teeth
  • Black triangles that appear at the gum line
  • Worn teeth resulting from Bruxism (grinding)
  • Peg lateral correction

If you aren’t sure if Bioclear is right for you, talk to Dr. Dillon. He will be able to answer all your questions and explain the process to you.

Advantages of the Bioclear Method

While exploring the Bioclear Method, discussing the many advantages over porcelain veneers is essential. Some of the benefits you will discover are:

  • Substantially lower cost
  • The process only requires one visit
  • Minimally invasive
  • Preserves natural tooth structure
  • Reversible
  • Less traumatic on gums
  • Great for filling in black triangles
  • Durable, lasting ten years or longer in most cases

Many people fail to consider cosmetic dentistry due to cost. Unfortunately, many dental insurance plans do not cover procedures to create a better-looking smile. The cost of veneers has many patients resigning themselves to having an imperfect smile. That is no longer the case with the ease and affordability of Bioclear.

Development of This Revolutionary Process

When Dr. Clark began developing this process, his peers rejected the idea. That is not unusual in the field of dentistry. Braces have been around since 400-300 BC, so when Invisalign first appeared, it was dismissed as a joke. Now, 23 years later, Invisalign is one of the leading treatments for malocclusion in the orthodontic world.

Fortunately, Dr. Clark was not dissuaded in his efforts. After introducing this method in 2008, he has done thousands of restorations. In 2015, he opened the Bioclear Clinic and Learning Center to train others in the Bioclear Method.

Are You a Candidate for Bioclear?

Without a complete examination, we can’t answer this question. However, we can confidently state that you are probably a good candidate for this revolutionary treatment if you were considering porcelain veneers. Your initial examination is complimentary, so see Dr. Dillon and determine if Bioclear is right for you.

Schedule Your Appointment to Discuss Your Options

To schedule your Complimentary Consultation, click the “SCHEDULE YOUR FREE CONSULT” button and fill out the information. Our scheduling coordinator will confirm an appointment and get you on your way to a great smile. Dr. Dillon and the entire staff at Dillon American Orthodontic Care are eager to meet you.