Invisalign Landstuhl — Find Your Perfect Smile

Of all the many things to do and see in Landstuhl, Germany, getting Invisalign in Landstuhl may never have crossed your mind. While you are exploring the magnificent history of this rich area, you could be discovering the smile of your dreams!

Visit the Natural Redwood Monument to see the towering giant sequoia trees planted in 1868. Climb the rocky reef at the Krämerstein. Explore the Nanstein Castle complete with battlements, ramparts, castle keeps, watchtowers, and even a dungeon.

Believe it or not, you can enjoy the entire country while also straightening your teeth!

What is Invisalign Treatment?

Invisalign® is an almost invisible tray alignment system. After receiving FDA approval in the US in 1998, it hit the market for consumers in 1999. Since then, Align Technology continues improving this system. Originally introduced to correct only minor alignment problems, it is now capable of providing great results for even complex malocclusions.

How Does It Work?

While traditional metal braces use tension to create the force that moves teeth, Invisalign uses gentle but constant pressure. With braces, the orthodontist affixes small brackets to teeth, then threads a wire through them (the archwire). By tightening the wire to create tension, force is applied to teeth to shift them into the proper position.

Invisalign uses almost invisible tray aligners that fit directly over teeth. Each set of tray aligners moves teeth slightly until they are aligned properly. Trays are switch every two weeks and patients should wear the trays for 20 to 22 hours each day.

Technology Makes It Happen

We mentioned earlier that Align Technology continues working to improve Invisalign treatment. In the first 22 years, they have introduced the iTero Element® digital scanner technology, developed SmartTrack material, and SmartForce attachments. These innovations have greatly increased the efficacy of Invisalign.

The iTero Digital Scanner works by creating a 3D “map” of your mouth using thousands of images. This map allows the doctor to plan a complete treatment cycle for each patient. You can even see what your smile will look like after treatment before your treatment cycle starts!

Eight years of intense research went into the creation of SmartTrack® material. Along the way, more than 260 different polymers were tested. SmartTrack material is a durable, semi-rigid polymer that is almost invisible. It is strong enough to maintain the pressure on teeth to accomplish movement while also being extremely comfortable.

The development of SmartForce® attachments increases the ability of Invisalign to handle more complex alignment corrections. These simple attachments can be useful on individual teeth to create a greater degree of movement. This allows Invisalign to be effective in cases of severe crowding and misalignment. Serving as “handles,” the attachments allow a more precise direction of pressure, which adds more force to move teeth.

Who Is a Good Candidate for Invisalign Treatment?

Invisalign is capable of correcting many alignment issues including:

  • Gap teeth
  • Overbite
  • Underbite
  • Crossbite
  • Crooked teeth
  • Crowded teeth

If something about your smile dissatisfies you, Invisalign may be a perfect solution. In most cases, Invisalign can correct alignment problems as well as traditional braces.

Invisalign Treatment is Available in Landstuhl

If you are a military member, you may be thinking that Invisalign treatment will have to wait until you finish this tour of duty. Fortunately, though, that isn’t true. Dillon American Orthodontic Care is right here in Landstuhl, Germany!

Dr. Michael Dillon has been in the field of orthodontics for more than three decades. Obtaining licensure in Germany in 1984, he consistently delivers the highest excellence in orthodontics. Dr. Dillon is also licensed in Florida, Washington D.C., Maryland, New Hampshire, and New Jersey! A world traveler, Dr. Dillon has lectured in Japan, Australia, and Europe.

As a Platinum Elite-Level Invisalign provider, Dr. Dillon has been using this treatment successfully since 2002. The entire staff attends regular training to stay up-to-date on new techniques, technologies, and all things orthodontic. With a predominantly American staff, communication is never a problem.

Dr. Dillon was a dental officer in the US Air Force. He understands the military and has geared his practice to make sure that all American military personnel can receive top-notch orthodontic care in Germany. As a Preferred Tricare Provider, Dillon American Orthodontic Care can also provide for the needs of military dependents.

How Long Does Treatment Take?

Although treatment can take as little as 3 to 6 months with Invisalign Express, the average treatment period ranges from 12 to 18 months. Many factors contribute to treatment duration. Some of the determining factors:

  • Degree of crowding/misalignment
  • Size of teeth gaps
  • Oral hygiene habits
  • Age of patient
  • How well directions are followed

Although the biggest factor is the amount of correction necessary, the other factors also play a role in how long treatment lasts. Following the instructions, wearing tray aligners for 20 to 22 hours each day, and maintaining good oral hygiene practices help to ensure that treatment will be successful.

Because Invisalign relies on the patient to self-monitor their treatment, patients must remain diligent.

What if You Transfer Out of Germany?

No worries. Dillon American Orthodontic Care offers remote monitoring for Invisalign patients. That means fewer office visits, and it also means that your care can continue through extended deployments or transfers. The Invisalign Smile Consult app works with most cell phones to make continuing treatment possible.

Dr. Dillon is also familiar with US insurance requirements.  In addition, his staff can assist in filing the correct documentation, including Tricare. Whether you remain in Germany or transfer away from Landstuhl, Dr. Dillon can provide Invisalign for you.

Your Qualified Invisalign Provider in Landstuhl

Dillon American Orthodontic Care is your qualified Invisalign provider in Landstuhl, Germany. Whether you need orthodontic care for yourself or a family member, Dr. Dillon can provide it.

You can schedule a free consultation using the widget on our website. If you have additional questions, you may use the Contact Form or call our office to speak with a staff member.

Check us out on Facebook and Instagram to learn more!