See These 7 Invisalign Pros to Make a Wise Decision

Are you wondering why Invisalign is becoming a popular choice for those looking to straighten their teeth? If you are, then this post is for you. Here, we will explore 7 Invisalign pros that might just make you decide to give this treatment a try!

Invisalign Pros

#1 – Aligners are removable.

Maybe the best thing about clear aligners, Invisalign features custom-fitted teeth trays that are made of smooth, BPA-free plastic. There is no other orthodontic option that features the same benefit since all types of braces are permanently affixed to the teeth. This means that Invisalign wearers can enjoy all their favorite foods and drinks without having to worry about damaging their orthodontic appliances.

The only catch is you need to make sure to wear them for about 20-22 hours a day. Dr. Michael Dillon suggests that patients divide these two hours for when they eat, drink beverages other than water, brush, and floss their teeth. This way, you can continue living your life without feeling like you have to make any drastic changes.

#2 – Invisalign is practically invisible.

As they are made of clear plastic, Invisalign aligners are practically invisible when worn. Since they are also shaped exactly based on your teeth, they will fit snugly and will not be noticeable when you smile or talk. This is what many people love about Invisalign, especially if you are self-conscious about your smile.

On the other hand, metal braces are very noticeable and can be quite embarrassing for some people. In fact, many Invisalign patients choose this treatment precisely because they want to avoid the stigma that is often associated with metal braces.

#3 – Invisalign aligners are less painful.

Another one of the Invisalign pros is that they are comfortable. Some patients even say aligners tend to be more comfortable than braces. In general, Invisalign patients do not experience as much pain and discomfort as those who wear braces.

This is because Invisalign trays are made of smooth plastic. They will not rub against your gums and will not cause any irritation. In contrast, metal braces can be quite painful, especially when they first go on. They can also rub against the inside of your mouth which leads to canker sores.

#4 – There is no need for regular adjustments.

Another benefit of Invisalign is that there is no need for regular adjustments. With traditional braces, you will need to go back to the orthodontist every 4-6 weeks for an adjustment. This can be quite inconvenient, especially if you live far from the orthodontist. Also, the pain sets anew when braces are adjusted.

With the Invisalign pros, there is no need for regular adjustments since the trays are given in sets. However, you still need to see the orthodontist regularly for check-ins and monitoring. Despite this, the appointments are usually quick and painless.

#5 – Invisalign lets you maintain your oral health as you’d normally do.

Another one of the Invisalign pros is that it does not interfere with your oral hygiene routine. In fact, you can brush and floss as you normally do without having to worry about damaging your aligners. You only have to remove them before doing so.

There is no need to worry about food getting stuck in the brackets and wires. Dr. Dillon just reminds every patient that you need to clean their teeth each time you put the aligners in. This is to avoid bacteria and plaque buildup.

#6 – Invisalign treatment can be shorter.

The Invisalign pros also include the fact that treatment time can be shorter. Although the length varies from one patient to another, Invisalign treatment can be shorter than traditional braces. This is because Invisalign works quicker and is more efficient in terms of moving the teeth.

The Invisalign system is also very precise. This means that there is less room for error which can often lengthen the treatment time However, it may not be recommended for severe cases of misalignment. In such cases, metal braces may still be the best option.

#7 – You can visualize the result before Invisalign treatment even starts.

Last but not the least, one of the Invisalign pros is that you can see the result even before the treatment starts. With Invisalign, the orthodontist can show you a computer-generated image of how your teeth will look once the treatment is completed.

This is not possible with metal braces. You will only see the final result once the braces are removed. This is one of the main reasons why Invisalign is becoming increasingly popular these days.

Cons of Invisalign

Despite the Invisalign pros, there are also some cons that you should be aware of. Invisalign is not for everyone and there are certain disadvantages that you need to consider.

Some of the Invisalign cons include the following:

  • It is more expensive than braces.
  • It is not recommended for severe cases of misalignment.
  • It requires more effort and discipline to wear.
  • It can give you a dry mouth at first.
  • It can cause some level of pain.

Take the time to weigh the Invisalign pros and cons before making a decision. In most cases, Invisalign is a great alternative to braces. That said, braces and their many types still work efficiently, especially if you to the right doctor.

Your Invisalign Orthodontist in Landstuhl-Ramstein

See These 7 Invisalign Pros to Make a Wise Decision

If you are considering Invisalign in Landstuhl-Ramstein, Germany, Dr. Michael Dillon is the best orthodontist to see! He is a certified Invisalign provider and has helped numerous patients achieve their dream smiles.

Dr. Dillon will be with you every step of the way to make sure that you are comfortable and happy with your Invisalign treatment. He will also give you all the information you need to know about Invisalign so that you can make an informed decision.

Schedule a consultation with Dillon American Orthodontic Care today to learn more about Invisalign and how it can help you achieve the smile of your dreams!