What Candy Can You Eat With Braces

Braces in Landstuhl

Having braces doesn’t mean you have to give up all your favorite treats, including candy. However, it’s essential to choose the right types of candy to avoid damaging your braces and prolonging your orthodontic treatment. Many people with braces in Landstuhl often wonder what candies they can safely enjoy without risking their dental health. In this guide, we’ll explore the candies you can eat with braces and provide tips on how to indulge in sweets without causing harm to your orthodontic appliances. By making informed choices, you can still satisfy your sweet tooth while keeping your braces and teeth in great shape.

Understanding Braces and Candy Restrictions


Types of Braces

When it comes to orthodontic treatment, there are several types of braces available, each with unique characteristics and maintenance requirements:

  1. Traditional Metal Braces: These are the most common type of braces, made of high-grade stainless steel. They use metal brackets and wires to align the teeth.
  2. Ceramic Braces: Similar to metal braces, but the brackets are made from clear or tooth-colored ceramic, making them less noticeable.
  3. Lingual Braces: These are placed behind the teeth, making them invisible from the front. They function similarly to traditional braces but are customized for each patient.
  4. Clear Aligners (e.g., Invisalign): These are removable, clear plastic trays that gradually move the teeth into the desired position. They are less noticeable and can be taken out for eating and cleaning.

Why Certain Candies are Harmful

It’s essential to understand why some candies are off-limits when you have braces. Certain candies can cause significant damage to your orthodontic appliances and prolong your treatment:

  1. Hard Candies: Biting into hard candies can break brackets and wires, leading to unexpected visits to the orthodontist and extending your treatment time.
  2. Sticky Candies: Candies like caramels, toffees, and gummy bears can get stuck in the braces and are challenging to remove. They increase the risk of cavities and can dislodge brackets.
  3. Chewy Candies: Similar to sticky candies, chewy candies like taffy can pull off brackets and bend wires, causing discomfort and potential setbacks in treatment.
  4. Sugary Candies: Excessive sugar can lead to tooth decay, especially when trapped around braces. It’s harder to clean teeth thoroughly with braces, so avoiding sugary candies helps maintain oral health.

Safe Candies to Eat with Braces

Soft Candies

While some candies should be avoided, there are plenty of options that are safe to enjoy with braces. Soft candies are less likely to cause damage and are easier to clean off your teeth and braces:

  1. Marshmallows: These are soft and easy to chew, making them a safe option for those with braces.
  2. Soft Chocolates (without nuts or caramel): Plain chocolate bars or soft-centered chocolates like those found in 3 Musketeers are a good choice. Avoid chocolates with nuts, caramel, or other hard fillings.
  3. Peanut Butter Cups: These treats are soft and creamy, posing little risk to your braces.
  4. Candy Bars with Soft Fillings: Look for candy bars that have soft, fluffy fillings rather than hard or chewy ones.

Sugar-Free Options

Sugar-free candies are an excellent choice for those with braces as they minimize the risk of tooth decay while still satisfying your sweet tooth:

  1. Sugar-Free Gummy Bears: These are a better option than regular gummy bears, but still should be eaten in moderation.
  2. Sugar-Free Chocolate: Many brands offer sugar-free chocolates that are safe for braces.
  3. Sugar-Free Hard Candies: While you should still be cautious, sugar-free hard candies that dissolve quickly in your mouth are safer than their sugary counterparts.

Candies to Enjoy Occasionally

Certain candies are safer for braces if consumed in moderation and with caution:

  1. Cotton Candy: This candy melts in your mouth, making it less likely to damage braces. However, it should be eaten sparingly due to its high sugar content.
  2. Ice Cream with Soft Toppings: Plain ice cream or ice cream with soft, non-sticky toppings is a good treat. Avoid hard or chewy mix-ins like nuts and caramel.
  3. Soft Licorice: Unlike traditional licorice, soft licorice is easier on braces and less likely to cause damage.

By choosing the right types of candy and consuming them responsibly, you can enjoy sweet treats without compromising your orthodontic treatment.

Tips for Eating Candy with Braces


Cutting Candy into Small Pieces

When enjoying candy, cutting it into smaller pieces is a helpful strategy to minimize the risk of damage. By breaking the candy into bite-sized chunks, you avoid putting excessive pressure on your brackets and wires. Use a knife or scissors to cut candy into manageable pieces, making it easier to chew and less likely to cause issues. This simple step can help you enjoy your favorite treats without compromising your orthodontic treatment.

Rinsing and Brushing After Eating

Maintaining good oral hygiene is crucial when you have braces, especially after eating candy. Rinsing your mouth with water immediately after enjoying candy helps remove sugary residue and reduces the risk of tooth decay. Brushing your teeth thoroughly is essential to remove any remaining particles. Focus on brushing around the brackets and wires, and consider using an interdental brush for hard-to-reach areas. A fluoride mouthwash can also help strengthen your teeth and protect against cavities. By incorporating these steps into your routine, you can keep your teeth and braces clean and healthy.

Moderation is Key

While it’s tempting to indulge in candy frequently, moderation is essential for maintaining oral health with braces. Limiting candy consumption to special occasions helps prevent damage to your orthodontic appliances and reduces the risk of tooth decay. Balancing your diet with healthy foods and minimizing sugary treats can contribute to a smoother orthodontic treatment process. Remember, the more careful you are with your candy choices, the quicker and more effective your treatment will be.

Maintaining Oral Hygiene with Braces

Brushing Techniques

Proper brushing techniques are vital for keeping your teeth and braces clean. Use a soft-bristle toothbrush to avoid damaging them. Brush for at least two minutes, ensuring you clean all surfaces of your teeth and braces. Pay extra attention to the areas around brackets and wires, where food particles and plaque can accumulate. Hold your toothbrush at a 45-degree angle to the gumline and use gentle circular motions. An electric toothbrush with an orthodontic head can also be effective in maintaining oral hygiene.

Flossing Tips

Flossing can be challenging with braces, but it’s essential for removing food particles and preventing gum disease. Use floss threaders or orthodontic flossers to navigate around your braces. Consider using a water flosser, which can effectively clean between teeth and around braces. Floss at least once a day, taking your time to ensure you reach all areas. Proper flossing helps maintain healthy gums and prevents plaque buildup.

Regular Dental Check-Ups

Regular visits to your orthodontist in Landstuhl are crucial for monitoring your braces and ensuring your treatment progresses smoothly. Professional cleanings help remove plaque and tartar that can accumulate around braces. Your orthodontist can also check for any potential issues and make necessary adjustments. Regular check-ups and cleanings are essential for maintaining oral health and achieving the best results from your orthodontic treatment.

Maintaining oral hygiene requires extra effort, but the results are well worth it. By following these tips and staying diligent with your dental care routine, you can keep your teeth and braces in excellent condition throughout your treatment.

What to Do If Candy Causes Braces Problems

Handling Loose Brackets or Wires

If you accidentally eat hard or sticky candy and notice a loose bracket or wire, don’t panic. A temporary fix involves using orthodontic wax to cover any sharp edges, preventing discomfort. If a wire is poking, you can use a clean pencil eraser to gently push it back into place. However, it’s crucial to contact your orthodontist as soon as possible to schedule a repair appointment. Ignoring the issue can lead to prolonged treatment times and additional complications.

Dealing with Tooth Pain or Sensitivity

Eating certain candies may cause tooth pain or sensitivity, especially if a bracket or wire has been damaged. To alleviate pain, use orthodontic wax to cover any sharp areas and take over-the-counter pain relievers if necessary. Applying a cold compress to the outside of your mouth can also reduce swelling and discomfort. Persistent pain or sensitivity should be addressed by your orthodontist, as it may indicate a more serious issue that requires professional attention.

Emergency Orthodontic Care in Landstuhl

Knowing where to go for emergency orthodontic care in Landstuhl is essential. Keep your orthodontist’s contact information handy for quick access in case of an emergency. Prompt attention to issues like loose brackets or wires, severe pain, or injury to your braces can prevent further complications and ensure your treatment stays on track. Most orthodontic practices have protocols in place for handling emergencies, so don’t hesitate to reach out if you experience any problems.

Key Takeaways

Enjoying candy while wearing braces is possible with the right choices and precautions. By understanding which candies to avoid and which ones are safe, you can indulge in your sweet tooth without compromising your orthodontic treatment. Remember to cut candy into small pieces, maintain excellent oral hygiene, and handle any issues promptly by contacting your orthodontist in Landstuhl. With these tips, you can keep your braces and teeth in great condition, ensuring a smooth and effective treatment process. Always consult your orthodontist for personalized advice and care to achieve the best results.

Frequently Asked Questions

Can I eat chocolate with braces?

Yes, you can eat chocolate, but it’s best to choose soft chocolate without nuts or caramel. Plain chocolate bars, soft-centered chocolates, and peanut butter cups are safer options. Remember to brush your teeth after eating to prevent any residue from causing cavities.

What should I do if I accidentally eat hard candy with braces?

If you accidentally eat hard candy and notice any damage to your braces, such as a loose bracket or bent wire, contact your orthodontist immediately. In the meantime, you can use orthodontic wax to cover any sharp edges and prevent discomfort. Avoid further damage by steering clear of hard candies in the future.

How often can I eat candy with braces?

Moderation is key when eating candy with braces. Limiting candy consumption to special occasions helps protect your braces and teeth. Frequent indulgence can increase the risk of tooth decay and damage to your orthodontic appliances, prolonging your treatment time.

Are there any candies I can eat during orthodontic treatment?

Yes, there are candies you can safely enjoy. Soft candies like marshmallows, soft chocolates without nuts or caramel, peanut butter cups, and cotton candy are generally safe. Sugar-free options like sugar-free gummy bears and chocolates are also good choices. Always be mindful of your candy consumption and maintain good oral hygiene to keep your braces and teeth healthy.

Book Your Appointment Today!

Maintaining your orthodontic treatment while enjoying your favorite candies is possible with the right choices and care. If you have any concerns about your braces or need personalized advice, don’t hesitate to reach out to your local orthodontist in Landstuhl. Schedule an appointment today to ensure your braces stay in great condition and your treatment progresses smoothly. Your orthodontist can provide expert guidance on maintaining oral health and enjoying your favorite treats safely. Contact us now to keep your smile on track!

Bridging Cultures: American Orthodontic Care for Expats in Germany

Relocating to a new country, while an exhilarating experience, comes with its own set of challenges. One of those challenges for American expats in Germany can be accessing familiar, quality healthcare, especially in the field of orthodontics. However, when it comes to orthodontic care, there’s a bridge between the two cultures: Dr. Dillon’s American Orthodontic Care, specializing in orthodontics in Landstuhl and located at Weiherstraße 1, 66849 Landstuhl, Germany.

For many expats, the peace of mind that comes from receiving care that aligns with their cultural expectations and standards is invaluable. At Dr. Dillon’s clinic, the mission is to blend the precision of German healthcare with the warmth and familiarity of American service. This unique combination ensures that every patient feels at home, knowing their dental needs are in trusted hands.

Why Choose Dr. Dillon’s American Orthodontic Care?

Ramstein Invisalign

  • Familiarity: Dr. Dillon is an American orthodontist ensuring that American expats receive care that aligns with the standards and methodologies they are accustomed to. This is especially comforting for those worried about potential differences in dental care practices.
  • Cultural Sensitivity: Understanding both American and German cultural nuances, Dr. Dillon and his team are adept at making patients from all backgrounds feel comfortable and understood.
  • Language Proficiency: Communication is paramount, especially when it comes to medical procedures. With fluent English-speaking staff, expats won’t face any language barriers, ensuring clarity in every step of their orthodontic journey.

Navigating Orthodontic Care in Germany: Tips for Expats

  • Insurance Matters: Health insurance in Germany is comprehensive but might differ from American policies. Before booking your appointment, inquire if your international health insurance or German policy covers orthodontic treatments. Dr. Dillon’s team can also assist in understanding local insurance intricacies.
  • Advanced Technologies: German healthcare is known for its advanced technologies. At Dr. Dillon’s clinic, you can expect state-of-the-art tools combined with American expertise.
  • Preventative Approach: German orthodontic care often focuses on preventative methods. Dr. Dillon integrates this philosophy, ensuring a holistic approach to dental health.
  • Scheduled Appointments: Punctuality is a hallmark of German culture. Ensure to arrive a little before your scheduled appointment time to make the most of your visit.

Comprehensive Treatments at Dr. Dillon’s American Orthodontic Care

Navigating orthodontic care in a foreign land may bring a mix of uncertainty and unfamiliarity. But Dr. Dillon’s repertoire of services ensures that every patient, irrespective of age or specific needs, receives tailored and comprehensive care. Here’s an insight into the treatments on offer:

Early Treatment

Recognizing that early intervention can lead to easier and more effective outcomes, Dr. Dillon provides assessments and treatments for children, ensuring proper jaw growth and alignment.

Treatment for Teens

Adolescence is a common time for orthodontic care. With braces and other aligning tools, Dr. Dillon ensures that teens gain a confident, vibrant smile as they step into adulthood.

Adult Treatment

It’s never too late to achieve a perfect smile. Whether it’s mild corrections or more extensive treatments, adult patients can expect personalized solutions to fit their lifestyles and needs.

American orthodontic care


For those seeking a less visible solution to traditional braces, Invisalign in Landstuhl offers a discreet, effective way to straighten teeth using clear aligners, a specialty of Dr. Dillon.

Alias Lingual Braces

Positioned behind the teeth, these braces offer the effectiveness of traditional braces with the aesthetic appeal of being virtually invisible, making them a preferred choice for many adults.


Temporomandibular Joint Disorders can lead to jaw pain, headaches, and more. Dr. Dillon’s targeted treatments ensure relief and long-term solutions.

Sleep Apnea

More than just an orthodontist, Dr. Dillon offers orthodontic solutions for sleep apnea, ensuring patients sleep soundly, breathe consistently, and reduce risks associated with this disorder.


An innovative solution for dental flaws like gaps, black triangles, and more. Bioclear offers a less invasive and more affordable alternative to veneers.

With this broad spectrum of treatments, Dr. Dillon’s American Orthodontic Care ensures that every patient finds the perfect solution to their orthodontic concerns. Prioritizing a blend of American standards and German precision, the clinic offers top-notch care for all.

Meet Dr. Michael Dillon

Expert Orthodontist for Kids, Teens, & Adults

With a sterling 20-year career, Dr. Dillon is a distinguished graduate of the University of Maryland, where he pursued degrees in chemistry and English before earning his dental degree in 1978. His academic pursuits led him overseas to the Medical Academy in Warsaw, Poland, as one of the 12 chosen dental students in 1976.

Recognized with the Most Outstanding Research Award in 1984, Dr. Dillon has been a beacon of excellence. He further dedicated three years to the US Air Force Dental Corps, serving at Ramstein, Germany, and Washington, D.C. Since 1984, he’s been a licensed practitioner in Germany, enlightening many with his lectures across Europe, Japan, and Australia.

Beyond his accolades, Dr. Dillon’s journey is one of international commitment and passion for orthodontics. Integrating himself into the European healthcare system, he’s also licensed in the US states of Florida, Washington, D.C., Maryland, New Jersey, and New Hampshire. As an author, leader, and teacher, Dr. Dillon’s contributions to the orthodontic community are unparalleled, making him a trusted name for expats and locals alike in Germany.

Best Orthodontist Near Me

Book a Consultation

Why settle for less when you can have the best of both worlds? If you’re an American expat in Germany, choose a blend of familiarity and top-tier expertise with Dr. Dillon’s American Orthodontic Care. Schedule your appointment today and let us take care of your smile.

Are Aligners Faster than Braces?

Clear aligners and braces are two unique dental choices with orthodontics in Landstuhl that individuals might think about while hoping to realign or fix their teeth. While the two offer similar objectives, individuals may not understand that both have various approaches to executing the goal. It is vital to know the main distinctions of clear aligners and braces in Landstuhl – the main contrast including the timeframe essential to accomplish fixed teeth.

Straightening your teeth is simple when you utilize orthodontics in Landstuhl treatment explicitly implied for you.

Packed and abnormal teeth aren’t simply unattractive and may make you have a humiliating outlook on your grin, yet they cause issues with keeping your teeth sound and clean. If you are looking for an invisible method for straightening your teeth, aligners might be ideal.

Today, we will go over clear aligners and braces and how long it requires for each to fix the teeth. Individuals considering both may find it advantageous to know which takes more time.


What’s in Store with Treatment?

The treatment ordinarily begins with a counsel that permits us to get to know you and your own exceptional grin needs. We then take impressions of your teeth and utilize these to make your aligner plate. You will wear these plates for around 22 hours every day and possibly eliminate them while brushing or eating. You will then, at that point, return to the workplace in half a month so we can make new aligners in Landstuhl for you.

We will give you information on what’s in store with your aligners treatment while coming in for appointments.

Clear aligners or braces: Which takes more time?

Clear aligners

Some might have known about them, while others might not have because they are still generally new to orthodontics in Landstuhl. Clear aligners offer a similar ultimate objective for patients seeking straighter teeth, yet their work is entirely different from conventional braces.

Aligners in Landstuhl

Aligners in Landstuhl

Clear aligners don’t have wires or groups to associate, however, instead. They go about as a transparent removable aligner to ensure that a patient is in charge. Like clockwork, you will return to the workplace to have new aligners made only for you. These aligners change during treatment, so they are continuously working to work on the appearance of your teethAligners in Landstuhl can fix your teeth faster than conventional braces. Most patients are finished with treatment in only one to two years, while traditional braces can take longer to three years to yield tremendous outcomes.

Clear aligners work essentially. The patient should constantly keep the aligners to accomplish the most extreme outcomes. Hence, patients find aligners a speedier and more practical choice for individuals who want a delightful, impeccable grin.

An unmistakable aligner attempts to apply strain to every one of the teeth together, instead of every individual tooth, as braces in Landstuhl do. Many individuals may not understand it. However, clear aligners commonly work a lot faster than that braces.



Getting braces as a technique for straightening the teeth has been around for a long time. Braces use wires to interface sections that are put on every tooth. The wire runs from one area to another in a request to fix every tooth individually. The section and wire combination comes down on every tooth, causing the regular shift.


Braces don’t need to be changed by orthodontics in Landstuhl as regularly as aligners do. Since braces work to move every tooth individually, they require less consideration than clear aligners. Nonetheless, braces do expect that much more consideration be given to them during day-to-day cleanings. Clear aligners offer a faster outcome, while braces might take more time, the two plan to provide a straighter grain.

If you want to Know more about Are Aligners Faster than Braces,  Visit Dillon American Orthodontic Care. Located in Landstuhl-Ramstein, GermanyDr. Michael Dillon, and the entire staff want to help you to discover the best treatment.

Scheduling your First Appointment is simple — just fill out the Appointment Request form and submit it. Whether you are seeking treatment for yourself or a child or teen, Dr. Dillon offers Invisalign®traditional braces, and more.

Please check us out on Facebook and Instagram. Like our pages for news, tips, and information.

How Long Does Bioclear Last?

If you have been researching veneers, you know that porcelain veneers can last 10 to 15 years. To reach that longevity, you must be diligent about dental care and care for your veneers. Likewise, when you consider how long does Bioclear last, you will find similar results. Bioclear guarantees their dental restoration for ten years from chipping and staining, but that may vary with your dentist. In the short video below, the creator of the Bioclear method explains that Bioclear can last from five to 25 years, depending on various factors.


What is the Bioclear Matrix?

The Bioclear Matrix is a dental system developed in 2008 by Dr. David Clark. Using the technology of composite resins that have been in use since the 1960s, Dr. Clark streamlined the process of molding the composite quickly and consistently to broaden the scope of its use. In the past, composite resins were painstakingly hand-sculpted to create fillings or fix chipped or broken teeth.

Dr. Clark’s minimally invasive technique is a cost-effective alternative to porcelain veneers and crowns. By incorporating the natural teeth without a lot of drilling or filing, Bioclear restorations can restore the function of damaged teeth and improve the smile’s overall appearance.

The Bioclear Method uses a composite injection molding process with ultra-thin precise shaping molds (The Bioclear Matrix). The thin shapes slide between teeth and between the tooth and the gums.

The composite color can match your tooth color to create a natural and great-looking smile by improving your teeth’ shape, size, and fit. Unlike porcelain veneers, it does not require grinding away a part of your teeth to fit the veneers. When used with a decaying tooth, the Bioclear Method requires little to no drilling.

How Does Bioclear Work?

Bioclear is similar to getting a regular composite filling but with a more refined look and less trauma. The process includes five basic steps:

  1. Blasting uses a fine abrasive to scuff up the teeth, which gives the composite a better surface to bond to.
  2. Matrix Placement is where the doctor places the molds around the teeth. These ultra-thin molds have an anatomical shape that matches your tooth structure, mouth shape, and jawline sizing. They ensure uniformity, creating a pleasant and balanced smile.
  3. Etch refers to the blue etchant that protects adjacent teeth.
  4. Inject is the phase where the warm composite material is injected into the mold, flowing around the existing tooth and filling in spaces, gaps, and anomalies to create a perfectly sculpted new surface.
  5. Remove the forms, and polishing completes the process. The three-step polishing process leaves patients with a glossy, natural-looking tooth.

Rather than hand-shaping each filling, the molds make the process much faster and less traumatic. There is no pushing, pulling, filing, or discomfort. With regular composite fillings, there can be rough edges between teeth that fray floss with regular composite shaping, making it challenging to maintain good oral hygiene.

The composite resin bonds with your natural tooth rather than surface gluing, unlike Veneers. The finished look is more realistic, easier to care for, and can last much longer with proper care.

How Long Does Bioclear Last?

Bioclear is guaranteed against chipping and staining for ten years. Because of the blasting process to prepare teeth, this process forms a better bond with your tooth than a standard composite filling. This process offers more longevity and greater durability. However, you still need to take care of your teeth. With proper care, Bioclear can last up to 25 years or longer.

Exploring the Difference Between Bioclear and Porcelain Veneers

The most significant difference is that once you have porcelain veneers, you will always need them. Securing veneers to your teeth involves shaving a layer of healthy tooth enamel from the front of your teeth. Once the doctor removes that layer of enamel, it is gone forever. The only way to “reverse” the procedure after veneers is to remove the tooth and replace it entirely. While they can look awesome, veneers may need periodic replacement or repair.

Bioclear is a non-invasive process, and it is reversible. The procedure requires no special preparation, no enamel is lost, and the entire process is complete in one office visit. Veneers require several office visits over about a two-week timespan because the restorations are lab-created. You’ll have temporary veneers while you wait.

What Conditions Can Bioclear Veneers Repair?

Bioclear can help correct:

  • Diastema (gap teeth)
  • Broken or chipped teeth
  • Black triangles that appear at the gum line
  • Worn teeth resulting from Bruxism (grinding)
  • Peg lateral correction

If you aren’t sure if Bioclear is right for you, talk to Dr. Dillon. He will be able to answer all your questions and explain the process to you.

Advantages of the Bioclear Method

While exploring the Bioclear Method, discussing the many advantages over porcelain veneers is essential. Some of the benefits you will discover are:

  • Substantially lower cost
  • The process only requires one visit
  • Minimally invasive
  • Preserves natural tooth structure
  • Reversible
  • Less traumatic on gums
  • Great for filling in black triangles
  • Durable, lasting ten years or longer in most cases

Many people fail to consider cosmetic dentistry due to cost. Unfortunately, many dental insurance plans do not cover procedures to create a better-looking smile. The cost of veneers has many patients resigning themselves to having an imperfect smile. That is no longer the case with the ease and affordability of Bioclear.

Development of This Revolutionary Process

When Dr. Clark began developing this process, his peers rejected the idea. That is not unusual in the field of dentistry. Braces have been around since 400-300 BC, so when Invisalign first appeared, it was dismissed as a joke. Now, 23 years later, Invisalign is one of the leading treatments for malocclusion in the orthodontic world.

Fortunately, Dr. Clark was not dissuaded in his efforts. After introducing this method in 2008, he has done thousands of restorations. In 2015, he opened the Bioclear Clinic and Learning Center to train others in the Bioclear Method.

Are You a Candidate for Bioclear?

Without a complete examination, we can’t answer this question. However, we can confidently state that you are probably a good candidate for this revolutionary treatment if you were considering porcelain veneers. Your initial examination is complimentary, so see Dr. Dillon and determine if Bioclear is right for you.

Schedule Your Appointment to Discuss Your Options

To schedule your Complimentary Consultation, click the “SCHEDULE YOUR FREE CONSULT” button and fill out the information. Our scheduling coordinator will confirm an appointment and get you on your way to a great smile. Dr. Dillon and the entire staff at Dillon American Orthodontic Care are eager to meet you.

How Smiling Affects the Brain

Smiling affects the brain. Most people never consider how this simple act can make every day better and brighter. The shoppers at Aldi supermarkets have figured it out. They have honored traditions like offering a simple bouquet of flowers to a stranger having a rough day. The shoppers at Aldi practice just being nice — and it makes the world a better place.

Simple Magic Is Unleashed When You Smile

When we smile in a mirror, our reflection smiles back at us. In the real world, when we smile at a total stranger, they usually smile back also. Our children know the blessings of a smile and laughter, but we often lose that as we transition into the adult world.

Children smile an average of 400 to 500 times per day! Unfortunately, a happy adult manages 40 to 50 smiles per day. For the average adult, the numbers are even more distressing as they only manage 20 to 30 smiles per day. What kind of a world would we create if we could unleash the unbridled happiness of children into the adult world?

Aside from a smile being the symbol we use to show happiness, what physical effect do they have?

How the Smile Muscle Works

How smiling affects the brain -- zygomaticus major muscle
How Smile muscules work

There are 43 different muscles in the face that contribute to our ability to show different feelings with expressions. The main muscle that controls our ability to smile is the zygomaticus major, also known as the smile muscle.

The smile muscle extends from the cheekbone on each side to the corners of the mouth. When it has a split it is called a bifid zygomaticus major and may cause dimples. That is a discussion for a different day, though. The zygomaticus major is the muscle that allows the corners of our mouths to raise, forming a smile.

When we smile, the zygomaticus major retracts, pulling up the corners of our mouths. Our facial muscles are also directly connected to our brains and neural network. The simple act of smiling creates a chain reaction within our brains, which is where the magic really happens!

Explaining How Smiling Affects the Brain

We see a child playing, their laughter and joy make us smile. A stranger holds a door open for us and greets us with a smile that we gleefully return. We see a familiar face wading through the crowd at the airport as a family member comes home for the holidays and we smile. Whatever the reason for the smile, the action causes an immediate reaction in our brain.

The first thing that occurs is the release of small molecules or neuropeptides, and neurotransmitters that fend off stress. The immediate reaction causes an increase in blood pressure and perhaps a flushed face as blood circulation increases. But then our bodies relax, relieving stress — all because of a tiny smile!

The tiny messengers, dopamine, endorphins, and serotonin all play a significant role. Indeed, the trio is known as the Happy Hormones or Feel-Good neurotransmitters. Each messenger creates a reaction that courses through the entire body.

Endorphins are natural pain relievers. When we fall and hurt ourselves, but start laughing about how silly we must look, endorphins go to work to lessen the pain. In several studies with surgical patients, those who expressed joy and smiled a lot felt less pain and required fewer pain relief medications.

Serotonin and dopamine are the body’s natural anti-depressants. You can create a mood boost with a fake smile. Think a happy thought and try on a smile right now.

Another combined effect from the release of the Happy Hormones is stress relief, which can also lower blood pressure and heart rate. After the initial rush that briefly raises blood pressure and may cause a flush, our bodies relax. So smiling and laughing can also have great health benefits.

Stress Relief Through Laughter Therapy

Although the act of smiling may never alleviate the need for prescription medications for depression, it can be a great help. So much so that doctors have even begun prescribing laughter therapy and laughing yoga as an additional method to help patients.

Laugh therapy groups meet for the sole purpose of laughing. The first laugh is usually a stilted and very fake-sounding, “Haha” uttered at fellow group members. The sheer fakeness is funny, and someone laughs a bit. The next thing you know, the whole group is participating in tear-inducing, gut-splitting laughter.

The purpose of laugh therapy is to help our bodies heal themselves by forcing the release of Happy Hormones. Not only does laughter and smiling relieve stress, but it also boosts our immune system and overall health. Laugh yoga works in a similar manner. And if you’re really a glutton for a gut-splitting laugh session, try goat yoga — because baby goats are always hilarious!

Smiling in Your Daily Life

For better brain health, you can add smiles to your daily life. Smile when you wake up in the morning. Smile when the coffee finishes brewing. Choose a bright outfit that makes you smile. Watch your children sleeping for a few moments before waking them for school.

There are many instances during our normal days where we can add smiles. As you pass someone in the corridor, smile and say, “Good morning.” Most will smile back. Not only did you brighten your day with a smile, but now your neighbor is also smiling!

Smiles are one of the most contagious actions we perform. We are naturally more apt to return smiles from a friendly face, even if we’re having a rotten day. Just as with laugh therapy, even a fake smile can prompt the release of serotonin and dopamine to improve your mood.

Smiling in Your Workplace

Smiling in the workplace can help improve the overall atmosphere. It can also improve productivity. When people enjoy going to work, they naturally work better. So if you want to improve your workplace — just smile more.

Knowing how smiling affects the brain can improve every aspect of your life!

Smiling Affects the Brain — Tune Yours Up

If you don’t like to smile because you are dissatisfied with the way your smile looks, Dillon American Orthodontic Care can fix that. Located in Landstuhl-Ramstein, Germany, Dr. Michael Dillon, and the entire staff want to help you discover your perfect smile.

Scheduling your First Appointment is simple — just fill out the Appointment Request form and submit it. Whether you are seeking treatment for yourself or a child or teen, Dr. Dillon offers Invisalign®, traditional braces, and more.

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Does Smiling Boost Your Immune System? Since the COVID-19 pandemic, our immune systems have been front and center in protecting us. Who knew that the simple solution would be to smile more? There is scientific data that confirms that smiling does boost your immune system!

Why You Should Be Smiling Daily

Laugh therapy, laugh yoga, and daily smiling exercises have been on the rise lately. If you’re one of the people finding it difficult to smile please know that you are not alone.

In a study released in 2015, 74 postpartum women were tested. There were 38 in a control group (no laughter therapy), and 38 in an experimental group with laughter therapy. The results were conclusive that laugh therapy boosted the immune response in the experimental group.

According to the Mayo Clinic, laughter is also a great stress-reliever. Among the short-term benefits:

  • Enhances oxygen intake
  • Stimulates internal organs (lungs, heart, and muscles)
  • Increases the release of endorphins in the brain
  • Activates, then relieves stress response resulting in relaxation
  • Stimulates circulation
  • Helps with muscle relaxation which soothes tension

The findings also revealed a list of long-term benefits that can be derived from laughter:

  • Relieves pain by helping the body produce natural painkillers
  • Makes coping with difficult situations easier
  • Helps with interpersonal relationships
  • Lessen depression, stress, and anxiety
  • Boost self-esteem

Perhaps the largest benefit of laughter and smiling is to the body’s immune system.

How Smiling Works to Boost Your Immune System

Smiling triggers our brain to release dopamine. To translate that — dopamine is a neurotransmitter that our bodies make and use to send messages, sort of like a little chemical messenger. Dopamine is a very integral part of our body as it assists in many areas, including:

  • Learning and motivation
  • Heart rate and blood vessel functioning
  • Sleep
  • Kidney function
  • Mood and attention
  • Pain processing and movement

Dopamine also plays a role in controlling digestive responses such as nausea and vomiting and can play a part in lactation for nursing mothers.

Smiling releases dopamine which activates the immune system, increasing the number of illness-killing cells and antibodies. The happier we are, the better our entire immune system functions. Laughter encourages the cells in our bodies to work better.

Additional Health Benefits of Smiling

In addition to creating a stronger immune system, smiling can help in many other areas of general health too.

There is documented evidence that smiling and laughter can help lower your blood pressure. Because the action of laughing relieves stress and tension, it can also help with circulation and effectively lower your blood pressure. While it won’t replace your prescription medications for HBP, it may help lower your dosage requirements.

Even a fake smile can help reduce stress levels. When we are at our most stressed, a simple smile can be an ice-breaker that allows us to continue with necessary tasks. A reduced stress level contributes to better heart health and lower blood pressure.

People who suffer from chronic pain may know something about smiling as an aid to pain relief. Because dopamine helps your body use its nature painkillers, smiling may reduce pain.

Unless you’re a marathon runner, you probably don’t think much about endurance. On the other hand, if it wears you out walking around the block, you will be happy to know that smiling can help increase your endurance. On your next walk, try smiling at the kids playing. Enjoy the flowers along the route. Talk to the barking dog and laugh a bit.

People have consistently searched for the mythical Fountain of Youth. Who knew that it was within our grasp the whole time? Smiling is even known to increase your life expectancy!

Learning to Smile — Fake It ‘Til You Make It

If you don’t experience much laughter in your life, consider trying to add some humor to your daily routine. It can be as simple as scrolling through funny memes on social media. You can read funny books, watch TV sitcoms or comedy movies. On date night you can visit the local comedy show.

Add a few thoughts to your brain’s filing cabinet that make you happy. When you need a little lift, recall those memories. It could be your child’s first step or a funny antic that your cat did. Anything that has made you laugh and is a fond memory can be a trigger for adding dopamine to your system.

If you notice a co-worker is wearing one brown sock and one black sock go ahead and laugh. They’ll get a boost too! Laugh at yourself when you do something silly.

Join a laugh yoga group, or start one at the office during lunch. The concept is simple. People practice laughing together. Sometimes it may seem forced, or fake, and that’s just fine. When someone uses a hokey fake laugh it will evoke a hearty guffaw from someone. Before you know it everyone is laughing.

We should add a caveat here. While it is funny to laugh at things like mismatched socks, please be sure that your co-worker is laughing with you. Laughter should never be accomplished at the expense of another person’s feelings. Humor should be fun, not mean or vindictive.

Laughter Really Is the Best Medicine

Try an experiment. Go to the nearest mirror. Laugh. Did your reflection laugh back? Doesn’t that feel great?

Try smiling during the normal course of your day. Doing chores. Before making a phone call or answering the phone. While doing the dishes. Whatever is on your agenda today — smile before you start each task.

Smiling can improve your mood, aid relationships, and generally just make life better all around. It is also contagious. When someone looks like their day isn’t going so well smile and wish them well. Chances are they will smile back.

A Straight Smile Will Boost Your Mood Too

It’s true — smiling can boost your immune system.

If you are hesitant to smile because you don’t like the way your teeth look, now is the perfect time to contact Dillion Orthodontic Care. To begin your journey, simply fill out the Appointment Request form. Whether you are interested in Invisalign or traditional braces, Dr. Michael Dillon can help.

Please look us up on Facebook and Instagram too.